AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?

Showing 5 responses by dbphd

IIRC the reviewers at Stereophile Ultimate AV claimed the 5800 series Denons sounded as good as most good separates. Of course, the tube/vinyl guys will never agree, but I'm surprised they're not urging a return to a windup victrola with a cactus stylus just to be pure -- electricity gets between you and the waveform.


Sorting through the double negative (neither are not) and the use of "neither" for more than two choices, I assume from the rest of your 10/24/10 post that you don't consider the receivers in question suitable for use in a high-end system because they are neither esoteric nor expensive. Is that assumption correct?

Yeah, Macdadtexas, I did get carried away, but I am annoyed by writers who seem to go directly to the "Submit as-is" rather than the "Preview-first" button, leaving the reader to hack through garbled prose. The the poster's retort was to denigrate english teachers who have never created wealth. In my defense, I didn't say I was wealthy, and I don't consider myself so.

In response to my first post, I suppose it could be argued the poster hadn't used a double negative: "Neither are not" could be translated logically as both are, although that seems not to have been the poster's intent.

I've certainly been accused of worse than being pompous. Yet I do make a plea for posters to edit their posts before submitting them.

Queefee, you write like a pompous, careless windbag. If you're not writing to communicate so others can understand you, why bother? If you took a little time to cleanup your writing, you'd be showing respect for your readers.

In my case, I was director of a high-tech research center that employed mostly doctoral level EEs and CSs, not a professor of English. My post-doctoral training was in binaural processing, but my real interest was in building research groups. And I did build a bit of wealth along the way. At 74, and having been in Who's Who for years, I don't feel I need your approval.

Queefee, I don't know where some of the points in your post come from, e.g. purchased degrees/credentials, hearing loss in the Second World War. I just don't get the relevance of your first or third paragraphs, nor the last clause of the final sentence of your second paragraph.

I agree there is a major advantage of a separate processor and amp, because processor technology does change frequently whereas amp technology tends to be very stable. I also think there are circuit design issues that favor the simplicity of an amp over the complexities of a receiver. As an undergraduate -- before I purchased my degrees and post-doc, I built a number of Dynakit amps but only one preamp; that one preamp was enough.
