AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Who listens only to 1khz.It appears that is where the power is.Not at the normal 20-20khz range that people try to get as close to,for reproducing music.ML speakers have a habit of dipping down to a lower impedance than that.It sounds like a total mismatch,not recommended by Bob Carver.That is the phony power loophole they are using these days.That is another reason as to why A/V receivers aren't going to replace
someones hi end two channel.No Sunfire in this HT system. Maybe you could persuade him to change over.But then,you havn't,have you?[http://www.hometheaterdesignmag.com/208great/]
Hey, I've been moderated for less!

Did someone really just call someone else a windbag, then go on to say they are wealthy and in Who's Who?

Someone needs to look up pompus themselves.
Yeah, Macdadtexas, I did get carried away, but I am annoyed by writers who seem to go directly to the "Submit as-is" rather than the "Preview-first" button, leaving the reader to hack through garbled prose. The the poster's retort was to denigrate english teachers who have never created wealth. In my defense, I didn't say I was wealthy, and I don't consider myself so.

In response to my first post, I suppose it could be argued the poster hadn't used a double negative: "Neither are not" could be translated logically as both are, although that seems not to have been the poster's intent.

I've certainly been accused of worse than being pompous. Yet I do make a plea for posters to edit their posts before submitting them.

Let's put this to rest. Anyone truly interested in how the Ultimate performs merely has to enter the "Ultimate Receiver" into the forum search engine, to read one accolade upon another from those that have owned them.

I've nothing to gain from promoting the performance of any product. Either something works well or it doesn't.

There's a folly and risk of using someone else's statistics, rather than your own experience with a product on these forums. To suggest Sunfire amps aren't capable of driving ML's makes you appear as a complete fool, for they've a reputation to the contrary. It's common knowledge in fact, perhaps except to HiFihvn, that Sunfire drives ML's into oblivion, and that was one of the products largest seller point at any dealer carrying the two products. They were always featured together at any hi end store. But I understand Hifihvn, you didn't read that fact among your stat sheets.

In this instance your stats have failed you. Citing irrelevant reviews to somehow bolster a false belief system as it pertains to a particular product doesn't change reality. Most Sunfire products work fabulously. From your own admission you've no personal experience with the product being mentioned. Therefore you've no real opinion to share regarding Sunfire product other than a bias against it. That much is clear to anyone.

In this instance your stats have failed you. Citing irrelevant reviews to somehow bolster a false belief system as it pertains to a particular product doesn't change reality. Most Sunfire products work fabulously. From your own admission you've no personal experience with the product being mentioned. Therefore you've no real opinion to share regarding Sunfire product other than a bias against it. That much is clear to anyone.

Did I state that I have no knowledge of Sunfire products? You never provided a model number for the seven ML speakers you state from your personal experience,driven with the receiver your speaking of here.I never said a Sunfire amp would have trouble driving them.I know the amp does.That is another advantage separates have.You stated the Ultimate II receiver,that I'm referring to.Do you know more about this receiver,than Bob Carver himself does?Do people on the net that use seven of them,against Bob Carver recommendations? Are one of these receivers now your source,instead of your prior amps?Your main system?Your the one recommending to others to do this.