AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Do as I say,not as I do.Its not good enough for me,but I'm telling you it is good enough for you.That is the idea I'm getting from Coltane1.As a retired law enforcement official ,he is used to giving orders.If he changed over to a receiver for all system ,then he may be a little more convincing.

Coltrane1,I have heard the receiver.I can say that it is not high end to my ears,and others.Switch over yourself,since you keep saying how good it is.
the single biggest step i ever made was tossing a Pioneer HT receiver in the dumpster and getting a seperate amp and preamp- big big leap forward, and i have never been tempted to try another receiver. Even most integrateds fall far short of high end sound. imho

If we're going to paraphrase in a forum as common courtesy the least we can do is to quote another correctly.

I've emphasized that
A) I used the Ultimate in the context of a home theater setting
B) that I found its performance good enough to stand alone on its own merits and therefore good enough to be used in the context of a 2 channel system and
C) I don't give orders or recommendations what decisions others should make regarding their purchases.

I've only commented on what my personal experience was with this receiver, which by the way cannot be compared or categorized with a run of the mill Pioneer or other traditional type receiver. The Ultimate is anything but a standard receiver.

It may only be my experience but I've discovered components have a way of convincing themselves to us rather than requiring others convince us of their merit. But one has to actually own or in the least have long term use of a component to establish its actual merit.

However, it's quite interesting that so many posts later you're now attempting to establish that you've at least "heard" it, almost as if to attempt to establish credibility to your obvious biases. But we'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you've at least heard it. So, you've heard it, and didn't experience it to your liking. I owned it and found it an excellent standalone choice to which one could base their entire system. To each their own, and that's as it should be. As a personal habit I always operate a discrete 2 channel system separate from HT, but if I didn't I could live very happily with the Ultimate all on its own.

Another case solved :)
