Avalon Eidolon Diamond-Worth it?

I love my Avalon Eidolon and was wondering if it's worth the price of admission to upgrade to the Diamond model.
I have had avatars myself and i like avalon speakers in general ,i ve heard the eidolon and the diamond version at shows /dealers a couple of times ,nice speakers.
I design ( have them build) speakers myself and i ve listened for many years to a ceramic tweeter , since the last 10 months to a diamond one though ,in my own designs .
These things are formidable ,they can be silky sweet with voices /strings and have at the same time incredible "snap" when a plectrum hits a string , they dont hold back, "a ping is a ping" with an immense feeling of power/rightness behind them.
further very natural/clear and the level of detail exposed risses significantly ,to a maximum who knows ?
They can create a forcefull immensly dynamic sound while staying totally under control, a drumskin is a drumskin as it also has impact on lower frequencies

there is no going back in my opinion , once you have had them in your system youre hooked i reckon .
I have the Avalon Time Speaker here and it makes the best of all Avalon Speakers having Diamond option., for it is also the part and tweeter utilized all the way up to highest-end and/or the highest Avalon Model price wise. I use 200 tube monoblocks and Cardas True Beyond Speaker Cable. The tweeters are an awesome component.

Kurt, Avalon specifies "26Hz to 34kHz (+/- 1.5 dB, anechoic)." I forget which is lower anechoic or in room. My Eidolons measured 32Hz just a hair below 0dB at the listening position using Velodyne Manual Room Optimization in my room with the spikes on metal wood floor protectors. I use the room in thirds as location for placement and listening position.

I use two irregularly positioned Velodyne DD-12 Plus subwoofers with the first two EQ presets set flat with one in and one out of phase. The remaining presets are slightly altered and the last is set for radical Rap bass. With all this flexibility at the push of a button I mute the subs for quite a few LPs that simply sound right without the subs yet almost never for digital playback.

I recall hearing a pair of Andra's being driven by a VTL S80? and a VTL pre. in a store in Palo Alto on the El Camino long ago. Wow! You did good.
