Telliriuum Q diference - Silver Diamond vs. Black Diamond

Hello everyone, 

i. have recently bought TQ:  USB А to B (Silver Diam.) and XLRs cables TQ (Black Diamond).

Nowadays, I am in dilema about final decision to go for digital RCA TQ Silver Diamond (SD) or TQ Black Diamond (BD)?

Concerned that SD will be bringing brightness and harshness in the system. 

I would appreciate your opinions and experience about.




I have had the Silver Diamond USB cable and can tell you once it has been burned in it is not harsh sounding in the least. It is supremely detailed and very dynamic sounding. I have heard the Black Diamond also and although it was a superb cable it was a bit too warm for me and also didn't give the level of detail that the silver did. No the silver was the one for me.

Thank you Jim for sharing your experience and opinion. 

What other cables have you used as interconnects and speaker cables?

PS. It seems my dilemma is not the usual subject as only you have left the comment.  :)


Hi there I am Headphone only nowadays so I can’t comment on speaker wires other than when I did have my last speakers I used JPS and then replaced them with NBS which literally blew the JPS away but I have to say there was a sizable price difference. My DAC is a PS Audio Direct stream which connects to my Luxman Headphone Amp through NBS Balanced cables and I use Sennhieser HD800 Phones with Cardas cables. Hope this helps.