Avid acustus reference vs TW acustic raven AC3

Does anybody has experience of these two turntables and how they compare to each other?
Hi, I would be very interested by your experience on the cartridges you mentioned bacause they are representing a broad range of options available for hi-end cartridges. I live in the Netherlands so your positive feedback regarding Breuer/allaerts combo is promising. What about the xv1T, PC1, Coralstone, ultraeminent, titan i? What are their respective merits?
I posted a summary of what I thought of the carts under my system thread. Never tried the Breuer/Allaert myself.
I have heard good things about the UltraEminent BC. Can you tell us some more. I have owned the original MSL Eminent & the PC1 which would be a wonderful reference point if you have owned them.
I described the PC1 vs ultraeminent under my system post. It is at the end. Hope this help you.