Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?

Showing 6 responses by gmorris


I found your observations interesting. I am using a Delphi MKV SE (granite base and turbo PS) with the Graham Phantom/Helikon. This is an incredible synergistic combination. I have always maintained that the Delphi MKV SE was a very underrated turntable. I am extremely satisfied with the level of musical performance of this combo, which compares favorably with some of the very expensive combinations that I have auditioned. Transparency, coherence, speed, treble purity and extension are exceptional. The harmonic richness, bass extension, articulation and solidity are improved markedly with the granite base compared to standard acrylic configuration.

Phew!! What is the point you are trying to make?

Fact: The Oracle/Phantom/Helikon combo is very musical with a rich tonal balance, in my system. I tend to dismiss sweeping generalizations. My Helikon with 100 ohm loading is far from "cool" sounding in the clutches of the Phantom.

Have you auditioned this combination of components?
My PH2 has remained unchanged with a 100 ohm resistor load proir to buying the Oracle. Next point?
The granite base is not a "mod", it was offered as an option by Oracle. I purchased the Oracle while Jacques Riendeau was still the principal at the company.

FACT: The granite base offers improved extension and solidity in the bass response without any negative impact on the treble response.