Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?
I have an Avid Volvare with Tri-Planar VII and Lyra Helicon. My analog sales guy said getting the Tri-Planar and Helicon would have greater impact than moving up to the Acutus, given my budget. I'll never know, but I'm sure happy with what I have. What improved my sound dramaticaly was placing this setup on a Systrum rack. My next move probably will be moving up to a Lyra Titan because of the trade-in policy for my Helicon. I wonder what the improvement will be. I have a high powered SET with a Thor phonostage. The extreme detail Lyra carts provide seem to match well with my tube set-up. Not too detailed at the expense of warmth. Is the Titan "warmer" than a Helicon?

I found your observations interesting. I am using a Delphi MKV SE (granite base and turbo PS) with the Graham Phantom/Helikon. This is an incredible synergistic combination. I have always maintained that the Delphi MKV SE was a very underrated turntable. I am extremely satisfied with the level of musical performance of this combo, which compares favorably with some of the very expensive combinations that I have auditioned. Transparency, coherence, speed, treble purity and extension are exceptional. The harmonic richness, bass extension, articulation and solidity are improved markedly with the granite base compared to standard acrylic configuration.
Gmorris, my Oracle had the acrylic base with Turbo power supply by choice and I agree that it is still underrated. With no disrespect, the use of quasi-exotic, hyper-reflective, noncompliant, regressively performing, unnecessarily expensive stone materials in audio is limited to the death-knells of pre-extinct companies such as Koetsu and unfortunately Oracle. Granite and audiophile are not often associated

Our auditory sensibilities are clearly at odds. Your combination of one of the cooler cartridge/tonearm combinations with one of the warmest turntables (except with your granite mod) contrasts with my attempt to minimize auditory discrepencies amongst the components.

But I know your system certainly makes great music and it would be a privilege to hear it.
Richard your analog advisor gave you very good advice. Your Volvere/Triplanar/Helicon would make music I could listen to every evening nigh until morning. You could not go wrong by upgrading to the Titan (not really warmer, (actually cleaner supra-red) but you might prefer some comparable alternatives if you have the opportunity to audition them. And that is always a big "if" with analog front ends. So many variables. So few afficionados. Especially in retail. If you are able try to listen to a Benz Micro cartridge in your rig, say a Ref 3 or Ruby 3. The Helicon is the best value by far but a Benz just might light your wick and save you the expense of upLyratization (all cartridges have liberal trade-in deals). The Revised Patriot Act requires that I inform you that I have purchased Benz-Micro products prior to the Bushformation. But never again; really I promise.