" i saw those adds but i got to make up my mind on what brand receiver is going to work best with my infinity speakers"
Well just consider that you may indeed make up your mind on what reiver to chose. However, to be truthful, you will not know what receiver is going to work best until you try a few! That is THE ONLY WAY to tweak your audio system! You can read all the reviews, and take all the advice off this forum you like. But until you get different pieces in your system to try, you'll just always be guessing.
Wish is was different for you (as with us all). But that's not the way it works. So just keep that in mind, while you try to solve your delimma over these discussions.
There's no free lunch when it comes to perfecting audio systems. And that's years of experience talking.
Anything else is a compromise and a crap shoot, to be true.