AXPONA 2017 Protocol

I need some wisdom from this community. I'm attending AXPONA for the first time on Saturday, April 22. I specifically want to hear a selection of certain speakers in order to narrow down what I plan on auditioning in my home. So, is it encouraged or frowned upon to bring a USB with various musical selections on it and ask for the USB to play through the systems being demonstrated? Also do any serious price negotiations occur at AXPONA, or is that expected to happen at a later time in a more private setting? Finally, I would appreciate hearing from veteran attenders the absolute one thing I must experience on my one and only day and also the one thing I should not waste my time with at the show.
I look forward to your insights and advice.   
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
As much as I agree that you should bring some music,  you must also be ready for some real disappointment... Most of these rooms will be very busy,  some will be hard to get into.... Make it clear that you are in the market to purchase and "This is on my Short List".... that may help, but I suspect that quite often (not always) you won't get your music selection played.  Good Luck,  Tim
The Endeavors you are looking at are definelity worth the audition time and may be best of your bunch and a listen to the newest Von Schweirkert' s even though out of price limit can give a reference to what is possible. I would narrow down to three serious contenders or a listen and then have more casual fun rest of the day. It will be my first time at a show too, arriving Thursday and staying through Saturday.
@ astewart8944,
I was at the show for 1 day in 2015 and it was just enough if you want to audition loudspeakers. This time I plan on attending Saturday and Sunday.
I carried my USB key with music I am familiar with and the dealers did allow me to play my music - most, if not all.
I would love to hear the Spendor D7/D9. But Kyomi Audio would not be demonstrating them this year. I am hoping some other dealer carries it. I understand that ProAcs would be there. So looking forward to it. I did listen to the PBS Imagine T3s and wanted to like them, but compared to the B&W 804D3, the trebles seems truncated.
Something that is out of my price range - Muraudio - do visit them. In my books, they are the best of the show at Axpona.
Thanks to each of you for the helpful advice and insights. Anyone else who is willing to comment, I'm all ears. In my perfect world I audition with music I know well, but my system's sound is imprinted on my brain at this point, so if my music doesn't happen I'll be fine. I'm bringing the USB and asking anyway.