Ayre MXRs/Thiel 3.7s

Hi everyone

My system is MacBook Pro/Lampizator Tubed Pre and DSD DAC/Ayre MXRs/Thiel 3.7s

Whilst I believe this to be a very good system, I just have a feeling that more tubes would make it sound better.

My Thiels are hard to drive and probably wouldn't match a valve power amp too well. So if I keep my Thiels, a hybrid power amp is probably the best path. Any ideas?

If I change my Thiels for a more valve friendly amp, I would need to find a speaker that my wife would give her blessing to. Something floor-standing, not too big and traditional with a nice mahogany finish. But if they were more efficient, it would give me more possibilities for lower power valve amps.

The underlying fact, of course, is that that the MXR/3.7 combo I already have is pretty bloody good!

Any ideas??

Why? MX-Rs are outstanding amps, capable of driving anything. I and others I know have them drving Wilsons, Rockports, etc. very revealing speakers and in some cases (Wilson) difficult loads with great effect. When auditioning components, I chose the MX-Rs paired with a Nagra PL-L over an all CJ system so I doubt you'll realize an improvement.
Hi Doggiehowser,
The Ayon CD5 has its own tube preamp section. Running that into another preamp is essentially using two full preamps which is one to many.I don`t know if the Ayon`s preamp section can be bypassed to avoid this redundancy.
The Ayon CD5S has an AMP Direct mode and a Normal mode (which assumes it would be used with a separate preamp or integrated) like their own preamps. I think Absolute Sound did a full Ayon (CDP/Pre/Power) combo review before.