B&W 703 or VR4 jr?

I have a pair of Paradigm Studio 100 v3 that I'm looking to move out of. Looking at either B&W 703s or VR4jrs. I have an Aragon 8008mk2 and a Aragon pre with a Cary 308 cd player. Any thoughts on these speakers? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by edpowers

I've owned the 703's for 6 months and I am very pleased with them after a good long break in period and careful cable selection. I am not familiar with the VR4jrs.
I auditioned Dyneaudio, B&W N805's, and I am very familiar with N804's. I eliminated the Dyneaudio speakers in favor of a more forward presentation and analytical, or what i would describe as a 'clear' sound. I feel the 703's have better bass extension than the N804's and treble is extended too, though possibly not quite as smooth as the Nautilus. Pairing with Tara Labs cables tamed the 703's tweeters a bit without rolling off the top end or being as laid back as the N804's.