B&W 801 s 3 or????

I am currently running B&W 801series3 /Lexicon MC8 Pre pro /Krell FPB 400 cx Amp/ McCormack UDP 1 front end. I like the way things are sounding right now. But I would like more effeciency from the speakers. At 87 db the 801's seem to lack prescence when listening to "large group" recordings. ie: Symphony Orchestra or Concert Band/ Wind Ensemble. The 801's sound spectauclar when listening to well recorded "studio" recordings.

My Question: Is there another FULL range speaker which posses the same type of sound characteristics, (Great bass, neutral mids and highs and very non fatigueing on the ears,) as the 801's, but is more efficient? I would probably get a good used speaker b/c the break in thing drives me crazy. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
If you're looking for presence get a tubed preamp. I'm serious, you'll frankly be astonished at the difference, music seems to really project from the speakers when using one.
I agree with Jond in trying a tube pre-amp--I'm using a Cary SLP-98 with my M802's--love it. However, I forgot to mention that I first heard M801's about 8-10 years ago at a dealer, using all Krell electronics (I don't remember the exact Krell gear, but the most expensive stuff they made at the time). Awesome system!

One thing no one has asked is: How much are you willing to spend on new (used) speakers?
re- upstream electronics, i heard a pair of m-801-s-3's w/s.anchors driven by pass aleph 1.2 amps, pass aleph p, levinson #39 cdp, maughan box filter, & straightwire cables.
the "hashy" tweeter sound was gone, & very little digititis if any. in other words, they sounded superb. and this is w/o north creek crossovers. if anything can bang out the firebird suite (for anywhere near the money), the 801's are it.
I owned 802 Series 3 B&W's for years and I am very familiar with the 801's. At 400 Watts with your Krell, I think you are just barely powered up for the 801's. You might look for a used Krell FPB 600. Your room could have problems as well leaving you with mid-range suck-out and that too laid back I'm not here sound you refer to. Speaker cables could be a problem as well. B&W loves AudioQuest. Just some ideas to be frustrated with.
well ive owned both the 801#2 801 #3 With krell ksa 250 and Ksa 300s. The ksa 300s and #3 were best.
I now own Von Schweikert's that are more effecinet and more natural. also go lower then the 801 not perfect though.
Its time for you to get out of solid state hash and go tubes. I just purchsed a pair of MDA300's and sold them after I listened to them twice after living with good tube amps. Borrow a tube amp.