B&W 801D or 802Ds

Basically, I would like your impressions of both of these speakers. I have gone out and heard them, but not side by side, and either one would be a most excellent choice. However, I would like to know from owners of these speakers what are the strengths and weaknesses of the 2.

I do prefer the big woofers of the 801D, but the 802D might have tighter bass. Also, I've looked for the 801Ds and I haven't found them anywhere on the used market. Not even here on Audiogon this summer.

Thanks for your time. Looking forward to the discussion.
"That two woofer thing in per channel does not work so well" is one of those sweeping statments that is almost always wrong. My Gamut L5s have two, my friends Sasha have two, my Mini Utopias had two etc. Sure, two can sound bad; one can sound bad. All the D'Apaleto [ can't spell it] designs have two woofers; are they ALL bad?

regarding s/hand 801s, talk to Jack Tozzi at Spearit Sound. They are some of the best audio dealers i have ever done business with...for 10+ years. Please send him my regards. Based in Massachusetts.

Lloyd Lee
In my opinion, the 801D is too much speaker for your room. The 802D is probably too much for the room as well.
The 801Ds are the ultimate beast of B&W. I havent heard properly the new series but i bet the new 800Di couldnt be pair especially when we are talking about naturality and bass. The 801 speakers are far the most natural sounding B&W ever produced, not just 801D their predecessors also. If you have the oportunity to pick the 801D over 802D go ahead. But the only problem is your room, you have just a bit more than 20sqm which is unnaceptable for them, and you will face many bass problems. I own them and I am building an exclusive 40sqm room for them. DonĀ“t forget the amps, they will sound brilliant with a big Krell like the EVO 600 monoblocks (wich I already own).

Good luck

PS: THe 802D are just ok for your space.
16 x 14 foot room?

Look for a nice pair of monitors or some small floorstanders.