B W 802 Nautilus on hardwood floor...need help

Since I installed hardwood floor at my house, my speakers sounds different. Everything seems to be more noisy and there is more of an echo. Anyone who has some advice please email me at ltt142@aol.com.
GEt a throw rug immediately in front of your listening area and try out isolation devices like Vibrapods

See the soundstage review on them www.vibrapods.com
It might be you first reflection, I have hard wood floors also,and have a good sized area rug which seems to do the trick.
Area rug, definitely, and put your speakers on stands, either Sound Anchors or the Sistrum speaker stands using Audiopoints. B&W speakers improve enormously on stands.
Use isolation bearings such as Aurios. This will provide one of the best isolations to your speakers. One Aurio can hold several hundred pounds so your speakers are not a problem.