B&W 803D or Dynaudio C2's

I am asked by a friend to mine this question from the generous folks of the group.
I've given him the "go listen" and am asking for the model of his surround receiver to add to the post. But in general, can anyone give their impressions of these two?
Also, if there is a relative vg cond used market here, what other speakers would exceed the performance of these two in that price range.
Primarily, as I do not know that he will buy or have shipped anything used, comments of comparison on these two would be greatly appreciated.
The Von Schweikert's would be a tad more dynamic, the Dynaudio's would win everything else.
To be honest, it's not really fair to compare the VSR-4 Jr's with the Dynaudio C2's or C4's. The Dyne's sell for 3-4 times the VSR-4 Jr's price tag.
I have heard all these speakers, and they are all excellent in their own way. The Dynaudio to me were very nice, neutral presentation, B&W 803d very....Well B&W I guess, which I love. The Verity, simply awesome, but in a different price range.

In the end I choose 803D, because thats my preference. In fact, after hearing them, I quickly sold my old speakers and put $5k down on a new set-should have in a month. But quite honestly, I wouldn't complain if ended up with any of the speakers, they are all excellent.
It`s really a personal preference. I have heard the 803S ,804s, and 803D. They have more of a flat neutral sound to me. The tweeter a bit over powering on some music. I have auditioned B&W , revel,Theil,Sonus faber,Monitor Platinum(ribbon tweeter no competition)I have not heard the wilson, or harbeth and have heard great reviews. I think hands down, the Dyn`s have taken the cake. The tweeter is like no other.The depth and lifelike sound, just cannot be beat. I personally like to run all danish interconnects as well with my separates. Chord anthem XLR are fantastic, along with Audience power cords. It will take a while to burn them in, and dont be afraid to give the Dyn`s some power. They starve for good clean WPC. Just my 2 cents.
I haved owned b&w and demoed most of their 800 line.

There are more accurate speakers out there but the 803d and up are a fun speaker. I demoed the Sophia 3 and 802diamond in the same room/system (AR gear) back to back and was more engaged with the 802diamond. Maybe it was the boom and tizzle affect but what mattered is both we're enjoyable and that is what this is all about anyway. The sound stage was wider in the midrange on the Sophia's but the bass and highs were more dynamic/punchy with better snap on the 802diamond.

The next week I demoed the Revel Salon 2, now there is a speaker with almost no faults. There are some used Salon/Studio 2s on here you may want to add to your list too. They are more accurate than the 803 (never hear the C2) and just as fun. The 803 sweet spot is a lot smaller than the wide even dispersion of the revel line. The revel mids are cleaner with more detail and the highs are a wash. The revel highs are more detailed and delicate but the b&w diamonds throw a very wide real sounding cymbal crash.

I have heard the 803d and 802d in the same system back to back and the 802d's midrange is a lot more open (less box coloration... well none). It would be worth the extra money IMO if you go b&w.
I owend the Nautilus 802N and the 800S. Thing I loved was the focus. And the sound during classical music. But there is one very important part what is the weakest point of B&W. They are not the best in making 'perfect'filters for there speakers. They have been always quite poor in depth and in 3d sound. For me is a 3d holographic sound the most thrilling part for highend audio. This is why after 8 years I did not want to continue with B&W. I wanted to take a further step in Highend Audio. And B&W are not able to give me this.