B&W CDM 9NT vs 804's

For those of us who own the B&W CDM 9NT...is the 900.00 cost difference justified by moving up to the 804's? Obviously,to some people the 804's are a much more sleeker and dynamic looking speaker which in itself may be worth the extra money BUT is there an audibile difference that warrants the extra cash for the 804's?

Showing 3 responses by hammergjh

When I picked up my CDM9's the 1000 bucks(+ or -) wasn't worth the upgrade to the N804's. The speakers sounded somewhat similar. I second Rsbeck's suggestion for the N803's. Those were markedly better.
Everybody hears a little differently, I guess. Rlb61 has commented on the "boomy" nature of the CDM9's. I, along with most of the comments I've read regarding these speakers, disagree with that assessment. If anything, the knock on the CDM9's is that the bass is somewhat reserved. I've had to fiddle around w/ my system to improve the quantity of bass, not tame it. Anyway, the divergent opinions regarding the N80x's vs. the CDM9's should provide impetus to go out and listen, then decide for yourself.
I had an opportunity to give the N804's an extended listen recently, and came away very impressed. My last session w/ these were over a year ago. The other day, using my personal amp, a crappy 15 year old Sony carousel CD player with patch cords and zip cord speaker wire, this system out performed mine noticably. The sonic improvements I can wholly attribute to the N804's, these speakers really shined. There were no sonic flaws that I could discern, sibilance was imperceptible. They were open, detailed and smooth as silk. In a word, wonderful. I'd love to upgrade to these.

Regarding the original question about the $1000 price difference, that's up to the individual. But, if I had the money, I'd upgrade today and be happy. However, all the comments regarding the superiority of the N803's over the other 2 speakers are on the mark. These would be my target speakers. I'd take the N803's in a heartbeat if the funds were available. I'd be happy w/ the N804's but thrilled w/ the N803's. The N802's are wonderful, but are too much speaker for me and my living room.