B&W CDM 9NT vs 804's

For those of us who own the B&W CDM 9NT...is the 900.00 cost difference justified by moving up to the 804's? Obviously,to some people the 804's are a much more sleeker and dynamic looking speaker which in itself may be worth the extra money BUT is there an audibile difference that warrants the extra cash for the 804's?
Stretch a little more and move up to the N803's. Yes -- there is an audible difference -- especially if you support them with the right components. Is it
worth the money? Depends. It would be to me. Your milage may vary.
When I picked up my CDM9's the 1000 bucks(+ or -) wasn't worth the upgrade to the N804's. The speakers sounded somewhat similar. I second Rsbeck's suggestion for the N803's. Those were markedly better.
I would also suggest that if you can't afford the move to N803's take a listen to the N805's, I prefer 805's over the 804's.
I prefer the 804s over the CDM 9NT ... the CDM's bass is particularly boomy and the Nautilus tweeter, IMHO, is a marked improvement in all areas. The price difference is worth it. However, I found little difference between the 804s and the 803s - certainly not enough to justify an extra $1,500. The real step up is from the 804s to the 802s.