B&W matrix 801 s2 still a relavant speaker.

is B&W matrix 801 s2 still a relavant speaker in todays world and worth keeping.
I am running 1972 JBL 4350A speakers and I think they are pretty relevant even today.....
I have a pair of B&W 801 Series 3's and they have caused me to stopped me chasing my tail, when it comes to speakers. They replaced newer Thiel CS6's and I have never look back. If your are happy with your system, just listen, that's what it all about.
They're definitely classics. I think it's the biggest selling high end speaker of all time? Whether they're relevant is entirely up to you.
I just sold a pair for over $1500- and the guy drove over 200 miles to get them, so at least one other person finds them relevant.
One thing is certain, if you want to get the best out of them be prepared to run powerful amps into them and get them on good stands.