B&W Matrix 802s3 Xover upgrade

I have the matrix 802series3 speakers and have a problem with a crossover. Ill have it fixed but for not much more money would love to totally rebuild the Xovers with higher quality parts and really push the envelopwe on the performance of the speakers. The question is:
Has anyone done this and do you think they will out perform the Nautilus 802's. I was going to upgrade to the Nautilus but this could be cheaper and better. I know the after market outboard xovers by other manufacturers such as Northcreek music boost the performance. I love these spkrs and want to keep them.
Its costing me around $400. Getting the nautilus after selling my spkrs would be about $3000 extra.
If you want the N802, just get them. If you have to wait to save the $3k, then wait. Are you going to have a TV between them(if you get the N802's)?
Ill have a 65" plasma on the wall behind them. theres a 56" dlp RPTV now but trying to sell it. I get my 802's back next week cant wait to hear them.
Well, picked up my 802's yesterday and hooked them up. FYI: replaced 5 capaciters per speaker. replaced the mid/tweeter Xover board with Sonicaps. The bass caps were replaced with Dayton caps. Ill need probably 100-200 hrs of breakin but after 10 hrs . I like what I hear. Not a hint of distortion or breakup. Rock solid bass. the soundstage is a little smaller but that should get better. And a hint of brightness in the upper mids and treble. Hoping that will all smooth out in time. the soundstage has opened up after 10 hrs. so all will be better in time. stay tuned.