B&W N802: Which amp??

I just purchased a pair of N802 and I was planning on buying a Pass X250 from a friend but he decided to keep it. So now I'm trying to decide between an Pass X250.5 and a McIntosh MC402. Any thoughts??
I drive my B&Ws with a Krell FPB 400cx and I find It to be a nice match. The B&Ws love power.
I drive my B&W 802 Diamond by pair of Spectron Musician III monoblocks and all tube Joule-Electra LA-300ME preamp. These speakers LUV power but they love finesse may be more.... I am extremely happy with this combo and cannot recommend it highly enough.
I run my N802's with a Conrad Johnson CT-5 preamp into a C-J ET250s power amp. I think they sound great to my ears. Previosly had a pair of Marantz sm11 amps running in monoblock. I also thought these were great. Previous to that, had a MF308. Very good, but the last two set ups were a definite improvement.

My $.02.
I do agree with Dancer on the Krell FPB 400cx amps. My experience with 801N went from Bryston 7BST, Classe M1000, PassLab 600, Macintosh MC501 and finally stopped at Krell FPB650mc.