B&W Nautilus 802 compared to 804

I'm considering upgrading to the 802's from the 804's. Are there any opinions on the Musical Fidelity Nu-vista m3 integrated driving the 802's with a Linn Ikemi cd player for front end? I would like more bottom end but I like the focus and tight sound of the 804's.
The REL's contain explicit instructions for connecting to your system, basically you take their proprietary cable with three colored wires at the amp end and hook the red and black to your right channel + and - and then the yellow to your left channel + and the sub takes the exact same signal that is going to your speakers for effortless blending and matching. The REL is absolutely fantastic, I just bought a tiny 15" cube, the REL Q201E, and cannot believe how tuneful, rich, and musical the bass and midrange now sound w/my tiny Mirage monitors. I cannot overestimate the difference a REL, any model, will make in your system. --Sarah
As Sarah is saying, the REL connects to the speaker terminals on your amp. So they receive the same signal as your N804s and will integrate perfectly. You will not know the sub is there until you turn it off. Many subs have a crossover that cut off and replace the low bass from your main speakers. RELs are designed to let your main speakers run full range as before. They fill in the bottom below what your main speakers can produce. So if you like the sound of your N804s and your system as a whole, this is a perfect way to add what is missing. RELs are not boom boxes. They are as tuneful as your main speakers. And yes, when I said two subs above, I did mean one for each channel.
Yo Jeffc,
The N804's are nice speakers and can be made to sound even better with the addition of a sub. B&W has a sub that will add the bottom octave and take a little load off that NuVista amp. I recommend the ASW-4000 (if you feel like spending $3K) or the REL Studio III (also $3k) and then you wont have to upgrade later. On the other side is the fact that the N802 has far better midrange and tweeter technology going for it. The bass issue aside, the midrange "bowling ball head" and driver is what sets the N802, N801, and the new N800 apart from the N803 and N804. On good electronics they can deliver the tranparency of ribbons and have set new standards for performance for their respective prices. I have a freind that has sold his Apogee Divas to go to the N802's. Another is selling his Slant 8's to buy 802's. Most of my friend have N802's and one just sold his to get the N800's Unless your room is huge and has high ceilings, your NuVista should be plenty of power. If you have the room and the bucks, I think your NuVista with the N802's and a sub would be a killer combo.
Best regards,
I would consider the N803's. I have owned 805's, 804's, and 803's. The 803's were fabulous! Unless you really have a VERY large room that can handle the 802's, I would upgrade to the 803's for less money than getting high quality subs. Your room will be less cluttered too. The footprint of the 803's isn't radically larger than the 804's yet the difference in performance is dramatic -- much greater depth and more extended bottom end.
I must have heard the 802s on a bad system because everyone else seems to like them. My head hurt terribly after about 25 minutes. It was one of the most fatigueing set ups i had ever heard, which i blamed on the speakers. I must admit though the upper frequencies were incredibly clear and free from grain. The bass however was amost non existant. I must have heard them in a poorly set up system - Ian