If it weren’t for the WAF, I would suggest you will find it impossible to obtain better sound than you can obtain with the Linkwitz Audio LX521 Open Baffle Speakers - very few speakers, if any, sound better. There was a pair with the crossover and amp available last month on Audiogon - may still be available. You can also get the kit on Madisound. I have the Linkwitz Orions, which sound about the same, but are more expensive.
Another great choice, which sounds just as good, are any of the Pure Audio Project open baffle speakers.
And... if WAF must be a factor... the Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, followed by the Magnepans.
These open baffle, dipole speakers will have sound that you can not match for less than $20,000+, if that. And will not be matched by any box speaker, without "semi-open" baffles.
This is not just my opinion, but the opinion of many who have tried both, and many very expensive alternatives.
The advantage of the Pure Audio Project, Spatial Audio, and Magnepans is that they do not require bi/tri-amping and external crossovers - they’re much less complicated to drive than the Linkwitz speakers. And the Maggies require quite a bit of high-end power. That’s not true of the others mentioned, which are more efficient and easier to drive, and they have a bit better dynamics and bass than the Maggies.
For the money, nothing can really rival these.