Balanced Cable recommendations for Ayre equipment

I have an Ayre 7xe, K-5xe , V-5xe and Revel F52 speakers currently with Kimber Cable Hero interconnects and 8TC speaker wire. I want to switch to balanced interconnects - please provide some advice - do not want to spend more than $750 per pair.
Everyone you ask about the efficacy of Cardas/Ayre cables with Ayre electronics will tell you that they were designed for each other. I am here to tell you that if you use Ayre components, (I have Ayre V1xe, K1xe, and C5xe), there are far better alternatives.
..and if you want the best power cords, make them from Oyaide C-046, P-046, and Accrolink P-4030. Your jaw will drop.
>>there are far better alternatives<<

If their speakers, cd player, tonearm, cartridge, and LISTENING PREFERENCES, were identical to yours that might be true.

Undoubtedly they are not.

Cables are system and listener dependent.

Yours are no different.
Thanks everyone - when u say Anti-Cables, since I am asking for interconnect help, u mean the Anti-ICs, right?