All of the above is true, but the bottom line is if you do have true blanced circuits (seperate + and - and not XLR inputs for cosmetic reasons), then it will sound better. My Ayre equipment sounds better with XLR connections utilized.
Balanced/Unbalanced question
Hi all,
I really should know the answer to this but I'm not sure.
I have a Parasound P7 pre amp running balanced connections to my amp. My main upstream unbalanced only components, turntable and phono pre are running unbalanced into the P7 .
Can't find any thing from Parasound but would the P7 convert the unbalanced signals to balanced or should I just run the whole system unbalanced?
I found this on an audio thread:
"Within home stereo equipment, which in general is all unbalanced, it makes sense to use unbalanced cable through out the system. Using balanced cables within this scenario does not make a large amount of sense, since the transitions between the two types of audio will outweigh the benefits."
Does it make sense?
I really should know the answer to this but I'm not sure.
I have a Parasound P7 pre amp running balanced connections to my amp. My main upstream unbalanced only components, turntable and phono pre are running unbalanced into the P7 .
Can't find any thing from Parasound but would the P7 convert the unbalanced signals to balanced or should I just run the whole system unbalanced?
I found this on an audio thread:
"Within home stereo equipment, which in general is all unbalanced, it makes sense to use unbalanced cable through out the system. Using balanced cables within this scenario does not make a large amount of sense, since the transitions between the two types of audio will outweigh the benefits."
Does it make sense?