Bargain Priced SACD Giant Killer?

I think my SCD-1 is very good and beautifully made, but at the end of the day, I am listening to digital less and less, other than from my PC.

So I am thinking about recycling some of its resale value into a turntable, and building up a WAF file music server.

If I were to sell my SCD-1, is there anything that will give me 75% + of the sound on a budget, albeit without the gorgeous build quality?

Showing 6 responses by lkdog

I have heard the TRL Sony 900, but have been having some trouble with my amp so did not get to listen to it a long time.
It is very very good from a short audition.
Will have things back to normal pretty soon and will give it a longer listen then.
Alex attacking people and other companies offline with unsolicited harassing emails to Audiogon members?????

C'mon Clio- he only communicates "With all due respect".
I have seen the inside of the TRL Sony 900 and know somewhat the amount of R&D that went into this by Paul and Brian and the required labor and parts for each unit mod.
Without discussing specifics it is a ridiculous bargain as are all of their mods.
Other more expensive modders also have major R&D time in their mods and they charge what the market will bear. I have no issue with that.
The unit that was in the room at CES with the TRL modded unit was a $12,000 modded unit I believe.
I will let others share what they heard about that comparision which does illustrate the point of price and outcome are not directly co-related.

With reagrd to the original poster-he wanted to sell the SCD-1 and use the money to get a TT steup and a less expensive digital unit if I undertsand correctly.

There are many fine choices of cheaper units stock and from all of the modders mentioned here that would meet your needs.
APL, Modwright, TRL, RAM, etc all can do moderate priced units and likely get you close to or even surpass the SCD-1.
There are also many fine used stock units out there that can be had reasonably that no doubt sound excellent.
There is only one unit in my experience that stands above everything I have heard as to make it a benchmark, that is the Reimyo CDP777.

Agree that there are many choices and every unit and manufacturer mentioned here is no doubt very very good.

I think TRL got mentioned early on in this thread due to the original poster looking for a reasonably priced unit.

FWIW-there is a veteran audiophile here on AG who recently sold his Reimyo CDP777 to replace with this very TRL SONY DVP NS900 modded unit. He can buy whatever he wants as far as I can tell.

You just never know in this hobby sometimes.
Well, it is true.
I have never heard a Reimyo, but for him in his system, with his biases about what his ideal sound is; he felt it was warranted.
I know him and he knows audio.
Of course, someone else may come to a different conclusion.