Bargain Priced SACD Giant Killer?

I think my SCD-1 is very good and beautifully made, but at the end of the day, I am listening to digital less and less, other than from my PC.

So I am thinking about recycling some of its resale value into a turntable, and building up a WAF file music server.

If I were to sell my SCD-1, is there anything that will give me 75% + of the sound on a budget, albeit without the gorgeous build quality?
There is only one unit in my experience that stands above everything I have heard as to make it a benchmark, that is the Reimyo CDP777.

Agree that there are many choices and every unit and manufacturer mentioned here is no doubt very very good.

I think TRL got mentioned early on in this thread due to the original poster looking for a reasonably priced unit.

FWIW-there is a veteran audiophile here on AG who recently sold his Reimyo CDP777 to replace with this very TRL SONY DVP NS900 modded unit. He can buy whatever he wants as far as I can tell.

You just never know in this hobby sometimes.
Lkdog, if someone did indeed sell a Reimyo because he preferred the TRL, I would say that I am shocked. Knowing what I do about the chip, transport, and sophicated circuit within the Reimyo, there would have to be something revolutionary within the TRL, which of course, I don't believe I have ever heard.
Well, it is true.
I have never heard a Reimyo, but for him in his system, with his biases about what his ideal sound is; he felt it was warranted.
I know him and he knows audio.
Of course, someone else may come to a different conclusion.
I also have dealt with the person that Lkdog knows. He introduced me to the TRL sound. While he preferred the Reimyo to the TRL SA-14, the TRL NS-900V was another story altogether, which was enough of a statement for me to make me find a used NS-900V player and send it to TRL.
Jes45, no comment. What I think about you, your posts and your attitude don't belong in this forum.

If there is one thing I've learned in all the buying and selling I've done over the years, it's that what is the best for one person is not necessarily the best for me. I'm sure the TRL is excellent, especially considering it's price point. The best, better than anything else out there? I doubt it, but it doesn't really matter. I've got excellent reproduction with what I've got, and I'm very happy (for now!). :)