The amount of things you guys are trying is astonishing. But none of it works, and a lot of it is counter to how Ethernet works. For instance, for audio listening (not two way like voip), latency is irrelevant. The change in latency matters however, and if packets arrive out of order. Another things, the only possible outcome of taping batteries to an Ethernet cable is that you introduce CRC Frame errors, which the will force the switch to discard the frame, and higher level protocols to trigger a retransmission.
pro audio applications use enterprise equipment, not made up cures but introducing voodoo into the chain, and adding things.
maybe it is just me, but in general for my audio setup, I like to Keep It Simple, the fewer components, the better, since adding will only add to the signal, which means you have modified the recording in transit from source to speaker, and that is not audiophile grade.