Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff?

Are the Basis turntables and arms (ie, Vector 4) worth their asking price? They seems very expensive for you apparently are getting?
Enjoyed this post tremendously!  I bought a Basis 2800 TT earlier this year with Vector 4 Tonearm/Hana Umami Red after 20 years with a fully loaded LP-12.   I initially looked into VPI and Clear Audio because of familiarity, budget, and access with the CA Innovation winning.  Then I came upon Basis and researched all I was aware of and decided to swing for the fence since this would be my last TT.  The last cartridge on the LP-12 was a Shelter 90X which was >7 yrs old.  I mounted this on the Basis and was IMMEDIATELY ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at the openness/depth of the sound-stage.  The resolution from top/bottom was beautiful.  My Maggies really sang......and this was an old cartridge!  The Hana just increased everything previously mentioned especially bass definition.  Worth is a relative thing of which I absolutely believe the TT was worth it.  Worth is what your budget is as these manufacturers have bottom lines which are determined independently of us.  What we really need are more participants so the prices could come down.  Even so the question of worth will remain regardless of price point.  BTW Basis customer support is excellent. 
I really miss AJ.  He was just fun to listen to.  He made GREAT TT's.  That Vector arm is just a sick piece of audio gear.  Best Buy for high end?  Quite possibly. I'd put it in that category.  

Congrats and enjoy the heck out of it.  What a great buy.
My first turntable was the Basis 2001. Had it roughly a dozen years. When it came time to sell I was very pleased to find it sold for exactly what I originally paid for new.   

Enjoyed this table, and learned a lot with it too. If this really will be your last table then you will want to know, the silicone damping fluid will evaporate away over time.