Hello Brian
I did much research a few years ago on room treatments as well as trying many absorbers, defusers etc. Eventually I decided to hire a company that specializes in room analysis to shoot the room. The first thing they did was to shoot the room, then remove all the absorbers I had placed and run there program again, it turned out the room was better with no room tunes than the ones I had placed, I would still argue that, but there analysis doesn't lie. In the end, after much trial an error they ended up using one small absorber in the middle of the rear wall, two small first reflection absorbers on the side walls and one very large bass absorber in the rear corner.
One thing they told me that I have since found to be true, was that a bass absorber should be two to three feet thick to be affective. The one they used very affectively here was a 2' cube made by ASC.
I did much research a few years ago on room treatments as well as trying many absorbers, defusers etc. Eventually I decided to hire a company that specializes in room analysis to shoot the room. The first thing they did was to shoot the room, then remove all the absorbers I had placed and run there program again, it turned out the room was better with no room tunes than the ones I had placed, I would still argue that, but there analysis doesn't lie. In the end, after much trial an error they ended up using one small absorber in the middle of the rear wall, two small first reflection absorbers on the side walls and one very large bass absorber in the rear corner.
One thing they told me that I have since found to be true, was that a bass absorber should be two to three feet thick to be affective. The one they used very affectively here was a 2' cube made by ASC.