Battle of the Older DAC

Would this be a simple choice for you?

Looking at upgrading my DAC and at similar price points have options of an Auralic Vega (2013) and a Schiit Yggdrasil OG A2 (2018?) 

I have heard the Auralic and it is impressive, but the reputation of the Yggy looks solid.

Would be keen to hear from anyone who has experience of both or if the choice is clearer that it appears to me.

As ever, would love to hear your thoughts.



I have a very old Mark Levinson before it was Mark Levinson which is called proceed. I’ve read that the dacs Are and can be very good on ML equipment and I can affirm that is true.
How could I possibly know?

I have a proceed AVP and avp 2 both of which have built in Dacs.

The dac On the Levenson is excellent. I also have a modern dac the cyan 2 from holo. They are comparable.

The ML has more space and depth and air, but is a little bit brighter and sharper than the cyan. I like them both they are different. I am hard-pressed to say that one is better than the other.

So this may be the exception. If you grab a component that was once upon a time very high end, you may get a Pleasant surprise.


Possibly a PS Audio Direct Stream MkII may be available for substantial discount as preowned, but less than $2000 seems too low for current market to me.  The referenced link you provided is for a MkI, not MkII.


I have moved this into a second system, but I still like my MHDT Labs Orchid. I had an Auralic Vega. The Orchid is more "analog" sounding. A little on the warm side. It doesn’t do DSD and isn’t Roon ready if any of those things matter.

While we are giving shout outs to Herron gear, I have his latest monoblocks, preamp, and phono stage.



Are you suggesting that the equipment with the best specs/measurements is the best sounding equipment? Either you’re a genius or just another foul.

ASR is a data point, that’s all. It’s neither useless nor the last word in audio. However Amir does have a large group of followers who amplify his opinions and it can get really over the top.

Anyway, I would say that opinions on DACs here won’t really help the OP make the right choice for his system. The OP really needs to try DACs with his own gear in his own room.

It’s one thing if you’re choosing speakers - even at the dealer’s showroom, you are going to get some idea of tone, bass depth, what have you. The differences between DACs are more subtle and frankly require long term listening to discern...not just the difference but the preference.

OP: first, determine your specific objectives. Warmer sound? Crisper bass? Just upgrade for doing so won’t max the value of your budget. Then, find some gear that has a return policy - many do. Listen to each for a week or more. What sounds awesome for 5 minutes can be irksome 60 minutes later...

Oh, also, I think some older DACs can sound wonderful. Much of the quality of the DAC is in the analog part of the implementation.  Newer DACs are good for added function like DSD, higher bitrates and sampling rates, more filters and such.  I have a 2012 W4S DAC that still sounds pretty, albeit my go-to DACs are somewhat newer. 

It’s a journey not a destination. Good luck and have fun!