Beck / Morning Phases

You might as well add it to Audiogon Recordings To Die For list. This recording has it in spades,wall to wall sound,layers of imaging and the music sounds like Sea Change. a handfull songs sound like Pink Floyd but without Gilmour's guitar, two of them Morning and Turn Away,the vocal mix has me reaching for my Moody Blues albums.Other songs are very intimate classic Beck. This so far is the masterpiece of 2014. Oh yeah this is from the CD,I'm waiting on my vinyl copy.

Showing 1 response by hodu

Upbeat? No. But ...
I bought the album (on CD) on Tuesday, the day of its release. Played it twice. Woke up on Wednesday -- morning phase, get it -- with one of the songs -- "Heart is a Drum" in my head. And I was happy to have it there.
I've played it twice since, and it is sounding better each time. It's got instrumentation like "Sea Change," but it ain't so dour. At all.
Some of the tunes are actually quite pretty, can make you smile.
Highly recommended.
-- Howard