Behringer DEQ2496 HELP

After reading the raves about this product, I finally bought one along with the matching microphone tonite. Put in my system, eager to try room correction. The first 2 attmepts produced some curves that I wasn't crazy about, but seemed plausioble. Now, all it does is push all the bands above 125 all the way to maximum boost, and all the bands below 125 to maximum cut. When displaying the RTA of the pink noise, there is nop more htan a 15 dB range between the highest and lowest levels on the curve (as if that were small!)Also, one of the primary reasons I bought it was for equalizing low frequency room problems, yet it suggests htat anyuthing below 100Hz not be included in the auto EQ.
Does anyone know why it is coming up with such odd equalization curves, even though it is reading the data, which doesn't look so bad? Also, how bad is the product at low frequencies?
My bad - I had the EQ bypassed while trying to EQ! You are right about playing the pink noise at a high level to improve the S/N ratio. There was some low frequency noise visible at about -65 dB. I could hear it pulsing, and thought something was sending my subwoofers into oscillations, or the EQ was noisy. Turns out they are re-paving the Mass Pike not too far from my house. Just my luck!
Use independant measurements (RoomEQWizard, ETF, TrueRTA) and set the EQ manually. This might have been easier with RoomEQWizard software and BFD1124Pro.

I also just purchased one of these, but need some basic help. Are there any sites with tutorials, or any of you experts willing to help me out?
Drubin, I don't know of any sites with tutorials, but you can post your questions here or email me and I'll help as best I can. The interface and many functions can seem overwhelming at first, but you will get the knack of using it.
I find that the auto EQ works fine for all frequencies, if "fine" means perfectly flat response 2Hz -20KHz (in my system). I have a multichannel system, and two DEQ2496, and I do the front left and right and the surrounds each channel separately. Because my room is not symetrical, and one speaker system (MG1.6 and a subwoofer) is in a corner the EQ curves are quite different. I have a single channel parametric for the center front, and, by comparison it is a big pain you know where. I do run the white noise up to 85 dB or so when I do the auto EQ. After the auto EQ is done, and while the noise is still on you can turn down the volume and see if the frequency response changes. Mine does not.