Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?

I am considering trying it in a digital chain. I want to correct for room and any system internal dependencies. I am tired of using cables as tone controls, there has to be something better to make those minimal changes.

I am looking for opinions and short system desriptions.
Warnerwh...I thought the graphic eq was 1/6 octave like the RTD because I could watch the individual 1/6 oct displays change in a way that looked independent. But checking the manual I see you are correct. Maybe I will fool around with the parametric eq and see what it can do for me.

I agree that using an equalizer to fix recording-to-recording variation usually isn't worth the hassle. That's what tone controls are for.
Eldartford: The bass is where the parametric can be where it really shines as you can tame the room modes at the exact frequencies. Also Behringer doesn't recommend using the auto eq mode for any frequency under 100. Didn't try it that way though anyway. Thanks again as you're one of the people who made me think about trying one. What a great tweak. People pay more for cables.
Warnerwh...I don't know why they discourage autoeq below 100 Hz. It seems to work for me. However, your point about the parametric at low frequency is well taken. In fact you are supposed to be able to calculate the frequencies from the dimensions of your room.
Jayboard - I tried it both ways, and preferred the Monarchy ahead of the Behringer. All is not equal here, though, because by putting the Monarchy first I am converting formats to AES/EBU prior to the Behringer. It would be interesting to try adding another Monarchy or similar after the Behringer. My guess is that where a single one works best is system-dependent.

Eldartford - I suspect you're right that there is a single EQ "engine" with graphic and parametric interfaces. I use the parametric for two purposes - to remove a particular bass mode, and I've set up two bands that I occasionally use as bass and treble controls for particular recordings. I don't have any tone controls elsewhere in my system.

Finally, let me echo the others - this thing is an amazing value. I like mine so much I bought another for a second system.
In the middle of this page is a place to get modecalc. It will tell you where your room modes are at. Just punch in the dimensions of your room.