Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie
Hey man, What is the upgrade? I'm still on the fence re: what to do. Wait? Buy the MSB? Buy a BC?
A previous post mentioned a power supply upgrade. I did not get any more info from Bel Canto. Did you see the latest Stereophile? The reviewer likes the MSB, with all the trimmings, a little better than the DAC1. I bet you would like either one, (as long as you bought the Full Nelson upgraded MSB.) Your invitation still stands here, G13. Charlie
I am considering the purchase of a used Bel Canto DAC 1. I used to have a website with pricing on the MSB with upgrades but seem to have lost it in our last computer crash. Can anyone supply me with this site or the price of the fully decked out MSB? Price will unfortunately be my determining factor as I am already $500.00 over budget due to recent purchases, until I sell off some gear, (my wife's solution), as I have always preferred to have a well stocked "closet" :-(. Thanks.