Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Eldartford, Ok, just call me Mr. Sensitive. Two things price the H2O Signature ($2,800) as high as it is.

!) It is completely hand built in America.

2) A big conventional power supply does come at a premium price.

Like I point out in my review, not everyone is going to find it to their liking plunked down in their present system. I had to re-educate myself on how to bring out it's best.
I wish audiogon would come up with a way to 'tag' discussions. i want to mark this and follow it.

i have nothing to add.
Kublakhan, you posted, so now this thread will stay on your ,"My
Threads," as long as it is active.
I'm looking forward to great deals on the old technology amps. It appears chip amps have significant issues that need to be resolved.
thanks muralman1, that's why i posted. there should be a way to tag a thread though without having to butt in.