Bel Canto Pre2 mod/update?

I've had a Bel Canto Pre2P (purchased here) since ~2009 and it does everything I need in a combo 2 channel/HT system.  And it still sounds quite good.  I leave it powered on constantly.  When it does power up it displays a version number with a 2004 date, so it is pushing 20 years old.

I'm wondering if I should get it "tuned up?", that is have some caps/resistors replaced, perform any biasing, etc.  I also have no idea who I would send it to for this tuneup.  I'd appreciate anyone chiming in with recommendations.





If Matt is still their technical guy, he’s great to deal with. Give him a call.

Rather than spending $$$ to rehab an older preamp, and especially since you’ve had this one so long, I’d consider taking the opportunity to try or go listen to some others.  For example, if you’re open to tubes the Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL preamp — among many others — could be a revelation and they may have some kind of trial or return policy to try it in your system (and yes, it has a HT bypass).  Just another thought FWIW. 

John Stronczer from Bel Canto will work with you…he is very approachable and will provide you with solid alternatives.  His contact is below.

John Stronczer


Bel Canto Design

221 N 1st Street, Suite 300

Minneapolis, MN 55401


+1(612)317-4550 ext206