Bellari VP 129 vs B&K Phono 10

Despite the cost of the B&K being almost double that of the Bellari, I find the Bellari to be far more musical. That being said, I am a bit of a novice so I am curious if others have compared the Bellari to far more expensive phono preamps?

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

129 is a good value.I have thought of one with USB out for a desk rig.You might be hearing tubes for first time and want either a hybrid tube set up (in separates or integrated).Tubes actually offer a distortion (upper harmonic,pleasing one) which we like and "say is "warm" etc.

Usually you get better mids and vocals acoustic music but may not deliver as much as solid state sound with dynamics and full precision or "realization" of sound.The more you spend on either type the less "noise" is in tubes and more "warmth" in solid state.But you be a tube person who would like a hybrid integrated or a tube pre and SS amp or an all tube person.Or maybe you want to just stick with rig you've got and get 129.If you like Belarri try and compare to a Jolida phono which is $450 or $300 used.It's a great value but for entry level the Bellari is great.