Belles amp hum ... rf problem?

Hi all. I have a noticeable hum problem which I have isolated as coming from my power amp, Belles 150a hotrod. The amp hums when I have it plugged into the wall with nothing else attached. The hum is not always present. I'll go a couple days without it and then it will re-appear ... comes and goes. I called David Belles and he told me the issue was likely a quality of electricity problem which was exciting the torroid transformer. (I live in a large apartment building in Manhattan.) He recommends a RF filter. Can anyone recommend a RF filter brand? Would something like a Blue Circle Noise Hound or PS audio ultimate outlet/power conditioner serve this function? If it is a electrical problem I don't think it's coming from within my apartment. I've unplugged everything that I can and the hum persists. Help it's driving me crazy. I may be imagining this but when it does hum the system doesn't sound as good. High frequencies are really grating. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
just b/c the mounting of the transformer to the chassis is tight doesn't mean that its not the cause.

leave the lid off, next time it hums, go put your fingertips only (carefully! do not touch another thing!) on top the transformer and feel if its a mechanical hum or an electrical one. fingertips are sensitive enough to tell...if the transformer is moving, raise it off the chassis & put some rubber gromules inbetween the mounting plate of the transformer and the chassis.
Thanks for the tip Rhyno. I definitely would not have thought to try that. Hopefully I can get this figured out quickly!

Belles mounts his transformers very well and they are isolated. Unless the transformer is physically defective, I doubt that is where the problem is. It's something coming in on the line. Otherwise, it would hum all the time.
Good question about whether they all would do this. Most amps I've used in the past had an E-core.
I don't have a solution, but I do have a similar problem with the new Belles 150A Reference. The problem did not manifest itself until I attempted a speaker cable upgrade from the shielded LAT SS-800 to the unshielded Xindak FS-2 copper/silver foil. Result was a very loud hum, even with everything but the amp unplugged and the inputs from my 21A pre-amp disconnected. Problem is continuous with the unshielded cable, and is loud enough to make listening to music impossible (all with pre-amp completely removed from the sytem). Problem goes away when my old speaker cables are re-installed (yes, I checked multiple times to make sure I installed the new cables correctly). The hum changes pitch when I move the speaker cables around, but never goes away - I'm no EE genius, but to me, it would seem more logical that this is an EMI problem coming from the amp itself than a ground loop problem, since it goes away with switching only the speaker cables. I also tried lifting the ground from the amp PC with nothing else connected to the amp or plugged in to any outlets on that circuit - hum persisted. I also tried plugging the amp directly into the wall (my normal method) or into my Panamax line conditioner, with no change. I do, however, have dimmer switches installed throughout the house, and I'm not in the mood to replace every switch to see if that might help! Other than this recent challenge, I have been thrilled with the 150A Ref/21A combo. Any other ideas?
I had the same problem with the intermittent humming. I plugged my cord into a different outlet on the power strip and it stopped. Weird huh?