Benz Ruby ZH or Wood SM?

Any thoughts or ideas? According to the website , these are both now updated to S-Class status but the differences mainly being the Ruby ZH has the Zebra wood body vs the Bruyere wood of the Wood SM. The other difference is the Ruby ZH .7mV has an internal impedence of 80 ohms (pretty high) vs the .8mV Wood SM of only 24 ohms(much better). And of course, a huge difference in price between the two.

All thoughts, ideas, comments are encouraged and welcome.
Comparing the Ruby 3H to the Wood L2, which are the respective previous versions of these 2 carts, the Ruby is far better in every it's price would indicate. If you can swing the Ruby, I see no reason to get the Wood.
Hello Countingbackwards,

Thank you for your reply. Your comment in regards to the Ruby 3H to the Wood L2 was good to hear. I agree with you and I think I will be ordering the Ruby ZH this coming week.

For what it's worth, I've been told by a few people that the new Zebra wood Ruby is quite a big step up from the Ruby 3. This might make for a nice trade for you when your 3H needs to be replaced.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me.
NG: You might want to look at the Gullwing, too. It's essentially an LP-S in a metal body for $2K less. And if you can go low enough output, the Ebony L-S is wonderful and has a much lower DCR than the Ruby.