Best 2 Channel Integrated Used for under 750?

I am looking for a 2 channel integrated for under 750. I would prefer to get one for under 600 or so though. I was wondering the best used ones in this price range or maybe even a little above it.

jAudio refinement The Complete is the amp to get for only about 500 on the gon Primaluna is great too but need a little more money about 300 more and it's worth it if you want tubes,sorry I sold my Complete!!!!!!!!!!!
The Complete is a good piece for the $ but I found it a little laid back. did nothing wrong but did not have the boogie factor with my ancillaries. You can do a lot worse, but I would recommend a speaker that is a little forward and/or has good PRAT.
Consider a Naim Nait3 (5i for a good deal?). There should be enough $ left for Naim speaker cable, which is necessary. You'll need odd DIN to RCA cables too. But what a sound. Naim is highly addictive, in the way their gear make you appreciate and love music even more. Exciting, engaging.

PS I don't actually use Main anymore, but only because I moved to a location plagues with rf and the like, which the Naim gear I could afford was susceptible to. YM will likely V.