Best alternative CDs of 2007

We are one week into 2008 and I must be bored.

Haven't bought one good new disc released in 2008 (sorry In Rainbows was officially released in 2007). So, I thought I would share my favorite list (in no real order... although top 5 probably reflect amount of play they received on my stereo, iPod, and iPhone.

1) Animal Collective: Strawberry Jam
2) Spoon: GA GA GA GA GA
3) Panda Bear: Person Pitch
4) Beirut: The Flying Club Cup
5) Radiohead: In Rainbows
6) Okkervil RIver: Stage Names
7) MENOMENA: Friend or Foe
8) LCD soundsystem: Sound Of Silver
9) White Stripes: Icky Thump
10) Andrew Bird: Armchair Apocrypha
11) PJ Harvey: White Chalk
12) Iron & Wine: Shepherd's Dog
13) Carbiou: Andorra
14) St. Vincent: Marry Me
15) The field: From Here We Go Sublime
16) The National: Boxer
17) Battles: Mirrored
18) Deerhunter: Cryptograms
19) Deerhoof: Friend Opportunity
20) Of Montreal: Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer
21) Dirty Projectors: Rise Above
22) White Williams: Smoke
23) Scout Niblett: This Fool Can Die Now (with Bonnie "prince" billy)
24: Nina Nastasia & Jim White: You Follow Me
25) The Besnard Lakes: The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse
26) Arcade Fire: Neon Bible
27) Sigur Ros: Hvarf/Heim

Didn't put any Ryan Adams on the list, but Easy Tiger was good

Disappointments of 2007 (I really like these artists, but couldn't get into these CDs in a big way): New Pornographers, Rilo Kiley, Bloc Party, Devendra Banhart, Interpol, Bright Eyes, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Modest Mouse, Lucinda Williams, Shins, MIA, Band of Horse, WIlco ... (Don't Flame me as some of these are not that bad... I mean some have a decent track or two, but I didn't think these CDs were up to these artist's potential... PERHAPS I'M BUYING TOO MUCH MUSIC).

Showing 1 response by dgarretson

You picked some of my '07 favorites including P.J.Harvey, Wilco, Iron & Wine, Arcade Fire, Panda Bear, and Radiohead.

Also tops were Shearwater "Palo Santo," Grizzley Bear "Friend"(which includes a great cover by Band of Horses), Nels Cline Singers "Draw Breath"(which straddles alt rock & NYC loft jazz), Robert Wyatt "Comic Opera"(in a world of his own), and Joe Henry "Civilians"(which is too good to be left off any best-of list.)