I have just upgraded from a CJMF2500, 240 watts, to a Mcintosh 353, 350 watts. The extra power has unleashed the speakers. Deeper bass, a more musical delivery and a beautiful sound stage. My pre-amp is a CJ Premier 10 and this combo is terrific. The N802's blossom with high current, and lots of power.
Best amp for B&W 802 speakers
I have a Bryston 4B ST amp and BP 25 preamp. I am wondering if there are any recomendations out there for B&W 802 speakers for amps and preamps. I listen to female vocalists and jazz and would like to clean up the sound detail. I have a Meridain 588 CD player and a Cal Audio Labs CL-10 multi disc as well. I use Harmonic Truthlink interconnects and Zu Wax speaker cables. I am installing a Audio magic power conditioner and having a dedicated circuit added to my sound room. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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