best amp for Magnepan 3,7

we all know that audio research and Jeff Rowland amps are often successfully coupled with magnepan

which are the best alternatives ?

Krell ? an FPB 600 for exemple

Pass ?

what else ?

Maggies are a fairly constant 4OHM load.
You need solid state versus tubes, unless the
tube amp is a monster. Magic combination
I've heard with 3.7 is Bryston 4BSST, which is
a favorite of Magnepan themselves couples with
a tube preamp. I plan to do 3.7 with 4BSST
and a CAT SL1 Renaissance w/ Phono. Bryston's
own BP26 with outboard power supply would be great,
but I prefer tubes on the preamp side.
Sanders Magtech would be a great match as well
Audio Research's chief tester has Magnepans in his
residence and he even says that Audio Research's newer
D Class amps are the best for them such as the
DS450 or the mono version of them. McIntosh would also
be a good match although not quite up to the sonics
of the others overall.
I drive my 3.6's with ASL Hurricanes and they are magic. also VTL, Vac and Audio research should do the trick. Do not fall for the you need tons of power trap. It isn't so. I have driven my 3.6's with VTL ST-85 which are 85 watts per channel with excellent results
Unless the room is small and or hardwood floors, less than 250wpc is asking for the amp to run out steam. I measured the draw from a 90wpc amp, tubes in fact, with the 3.6, and making less than 91db at the listening position, I was out of power. The meter pegged. Get a Monster 4bsst or 14bsst if the room is big and you like loud. Tubes are fine if you like no bass drive in a big room. Try both, and measure the power output and db in the room. The facts will speak for themselves. Jallen
For brands, I like Pass's XA.5 series on my 3.6's.

I side with Ahendler on the power issue, it just depends on how loud you like to play your music and the size of your room.