Best amp for ML Z Quests?

What is the best amp for the ML Z Quests? I have an Audible Illusions Mod3a preamp. I am presently using 2 Musical Design 140 amps, biamping them. They sound good but I am looking for the next level in sound. I have been interested in either the Audio Research VT 100 or Conrad Johnsson premiere 11a or 7. As far as solid state how about the Mark Levinson 332?
I have a pair of ML SL3's. I used to have a Musical Design 140i amp. I purchased a Meridian 557 power amp(200 Watts 8hm and 340 Watts 4hm) I have never looked back. The Meridian is a warm British amp that has been OVERLOOKED by the media.In fact I have upgraded to ALL Meridian front end components!! Steve
I own Quest Z's, have for a long long time now. I've tried various amps with them, so far the best match is a BAT VK-500 with the optional BATPAK. I haven't tried tube amps mostly cuz I don't wanna invest in new tubes on an ongoing basis, the BAT sure does the trick for me. Oh, cables make quite a difference as well; I use (2) Harmonic Technology Pro AC11 power cords and Transparent MusicWave 10' Bi-Wire speaker cables (spades). I'm very happy with the set up, and at $2200 used the BAT is a great value. If you'd like a better understanding of my set up drop me an email and I'll provide more details. Happy listening!
CONRAD JOHNSON Hands down.Solid state,try the PASS AUDIO amps but at least 100 wpc.Good luck.
Steve, I agree with you - Meridian amps are very good from my experience which is showroom only, I've been very impressed every time I hear them. I have always had Meridian digital - they don't seem to put much sales emphasis on their amps. Happy Listening!
I own Monoliths, have friends with Quest Z, and SL3. I have heard all of them driven by Levinson amps (20.0, 23, and 27). I have heard the Quests driven by McIntosh tube amps and AR tube amps (although I don't know which model). I have also heard the SL3 and Monolith driven by Krell amps (KAV on the SL3 and KMA 160 on the Monolith). I did not care for the Krell (great bass, but not smooth enough on the top end for me). I also did not care for the McIntosh--it sounded rather mushy and not well defined--too tubby. The AR and the Levinson were the best. The AR offered a very nice bloom and large soundstage. It did not have the bass control that the Levinson did and did not have quite as clear a definition--but a great sound. For me I chose the Levinson, but that's just personal taste. I think the AR was equally as good, but different. Now that I am bi-amping I would love to hear the AR again on just the panels. I think that would be a really great combination.