best amp for PMC MB1 speakers?

Hello you out there. I need your advice, because I cannot decide if I should get a Plinius SA250 or a Bryston 14 B SST amp to drive my large PMC MB1 speakers. They are very revealing, and need lots of power. I use a Sony XA7ES as source, but plan to upgrade next year sometime to something with 24/192. My Plinius 8200 mk 2 sounds great, but only to a certain volume, but the speakers could go much further.
Many thanks for your input.
14BSST or a biamp setup with 7BSST's on the bottom and a 4bST on the top. You cannot go wrong with Bryston/PMC as a combo as that is what they are specifically designed to be used with.

The Sound Broker
Disclaimer...I sell both!
I am using a pair of 7BSSTs with Cardas gold cross wire pushing my IB1s. It is spectacular. Deep bass with control, gentle natural mids, and wonderfully airy highs. Can't recommend them enough!