Best Amp for under 10K?

I'm building a new system and have been away from the audio world for a long time.

So far I've purchased the Sonus Amiti Homage and Sonus Cremona speakers.

I've also purchased the VTL TL 5.5 pre amp, an Aerial Acoustic SW-12 subwoofer and the Transparent cables.

Now I need to select the best amp for the system.

I've been looking at the VTL MB 450, the Levinson No 336, a pair of the Bel Canto EVO 200.2 and the Classe Cam 350.

All opinions and recommendations are welcome.
I agree with Garfish. Either investigate the new McCormack DNA-500 or get a used DNA-2 or DNA-2 Deluxe (about $1800 used) and send it to McCormack for the $2500 Rev A upgrade. There may not be an amp under $10k that could touch it. IMO.

I own a DNA-2 LAE (Limited Anniversary Edition) and the LAE version is everything the (IAR) International Audio Review(er) Peter Moncrief said it was back in 1999 when he rated the LAE the number one ss amp.

The Rev A's and LAE's are very fast and very powerful providing fantastic inter-transient silence, etc..

The LAE being just slightly superior to the Rev A. :)
your idea for VTL 450 signature amplifiers is a excellent choice, they are very good sounding,very good bass for any type amplifier[sometimes I can't believe it's tubes]not overly lush or euphonic either. excellent rendering of vocals and especially piano.
A friend (serious amp freak) recently acquired the Belles 350 (hot rod?). After listening, I was totally impressed by how neutral this amp is. We played the full spectrum -rock to classical. The Belles was hot, dry and shallow if that was on the CD; Warm, liquid and sweet when disk deserved it. Very neutral...
I Have been an high end audiophile for 35 years.I have just installed a Gryphon Antileon Signature stereo version which replaced Classe 201 to drive JM Utopia. I have auditioned the Utopia with the big Boulder amp.The resulting sound of the Gryphon is far superior it is incredible. I have never heard the clarity and smoothness produced by this amp,by far superior to the big Levinsons or krell.The cost is above your limit but you may find it on the used market.