Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help

Can someone recommend a good Integrated amp with these speakers...I am having trouble driving them.I Prefer a European amp if possible as I know some will tell me to go buy a Krell or Bryston. I hate those amps. too dynamic and stale.

Please advise.
I talked to some more people and I am still leaning towards the Linn-Majik-I. They guarantee lots of stable power into all ohms 8,6 or 2 without ever clipping.

I don't know why this is difficult to do at all frequencies but the Linn can.
I am currently searching for an integrated for my Totem Arros. In my research, the following companies have been recommended for Totem gear:

Bel Canto
Musical Fidelity
Music Hall
Vista Audio

Last week, I auditioned Atoll, Musical Fidelity and Rega integrates w/ Arros. The Atoll was my personal favorite. Unforunately, the dealers in my area do not carry many of the above lines so it makes it hard to audition.
When I contacted Totem directly, they suggested the following camps mate well w/ Totem gear:

Naim, Arcam, Plinius & Ayre

Hope this is helpful.
If you would consider tubes, audition a Rogue Cronos. I've heard the combination and it was jaw dropping.

Hearing that little integrated with the Arros had me rethinking my combo of Rogue Zeus and Thiels. It was a very engaging, musical set up and very attractive in terms of price and physical space.

A friend is absolutely in love with his Cronos driving a pair of Hawks.