Best Bookshelf/Monitor in $2000 range??

I've been auditioning B&W 805's, PSB Platinum M2's, Epos 5's. Have anyone heard the PSB M2's? Recommendations Please.
I listen to POP ROck Blues and Jazz.
JM Reynaud Trentes are really really good and easy to drive, warm and super detailed at the same time with good balance and full bass.
I am not a big fan of the B&W 805's. They are too limited in bass response for me and there seems to be a disconnect between response of the wonderful tweeter and the mid/bass driver.

For $2000 you may be able to find a used pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE's. I had the 1.3 mk II for over a year and I was very impressed. Very good lower end response with the right amplification, etc. These are 4 ohm, current hungry speakers. The tweeter in the SE should be an improvement over the one in the mk II. Very good on many different types of material.
Totem Signature 1's are a good choice, as are the ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signatures, which I slightly prefer (and own).
Speakers I am familiar with:

B&W 805 - I did not enjoy listening to these speakers. Very fatigueing - the top end was not pleasing. My least favorite speaker of the bunch.

JMR Trente - Very nice speaker. Philjolet's experience and description matches mine.

Totem (not sure which model) - Too polite. Did nothing wrong, but didn't have fun with the music.

Dynaudio Contour 1.3se - These are the pair that I ultimately bought, after listening to the above-mentioned speakers. Seem to get everything just right - top end is lively but not overbearing, and the bass is well-controlled and relatively deep. The midrange, though, is the speaker's best quality - the speaker does a good job with harmonic textures.
Like Tombowlus~

Being someone whom has owned & loved all of the various ProAc Tablettes. These have always been the ones which have never disappointed me. As this is from someone whom since 1982 has owned over 13 different pairs of Mini ~ Monitors.
These will only be leaving my side............Once I leave this Earth. - These are that good !!!!!!!!!!!!. -
Go to Soundstage (or to find a review of the PSB M2. At the end of the article there is a comparison between the M2 and the Paradigm S2.

I'm not advocating these over the others on your list, since I've never heard any of those you've listed. But it should help to point out differences between the M2 and S2.

BW MaxxC
Thanks for the tip.......If you haven't heard the new Platinum
M2's their really good PSB has really entered the world of audiofile speakers with this line, not only do these look fantastic but sound awsome!

I recommend them for anyone shopping under $2500.

Check out the Reference 3a Dulcets if you get the chance; one potent, musical little speaker with a special, direct-to-the-music sound.
If you are handy, you can make one for less! Try a scan speak kit. You can google search for them. I am making a proac 2.5 for about $600. Kits are easier still. These places have kits. Vifa woofers are good - scan speak better still - richer and more echo to the sound.
Try to audition the Hyperion HPS-906. I have the bigger brother and listen to the same genre of music as you do.