Best cable recommendations - help

What's the cable to use while listening to 180 gram LPs from Simply Vinyl?
Nate, interconnect, speaker cable or power cord?

I change all three when going to 180 gram Simply Vinyl.
I have spent a lot of time contemplating this issue. There seems to be no other solution than giving the time required. Cables are such fickle pieces of the system and so relucant to being altered or adjusted. On the other hand LPs are labor intensive and require much more care than other mediums.

When one considers the cost, it is simple to realize that the ingredients of enjoyment are rarely the same as the expenditures of the given system componants.

I realize that with all things audio there will be those who disagree, but they will really need to clairfy their position. I welcome thoughtful input and curtious disagreement.

As always your feelings are formost in my thought process.
Nate, you haven't been in a motorcycle accident, have you?

I've told you before, wearing the helmet is for your own protection.

Hope all is well,

John :-)